Marketing / Prices

Official logos of bailarsalsa

  • If you want to link our homepage and place our logo on your own homepage, you can download one of the logos below (Right click on the logo and save it to your disk).
  • If you need our logo in another format, please contact us.
  • You can also use the code shown on in the box beside the logo in order to have always the latest logo version on your website.
Logo Include the following HTML-code in your page, where you want the banner to appear. By doing this way you allways have our latest banner.

.jpg-logo 100x20 pixel

.jpg-logo 120x60 pixel

.jpg-logo 150x40 pixel

Banner You can also use the following banners. You'll find the HTML-code below the banner.



The correct link to bailarsalsa is:  http://www.bailarsalsa.de

Comments are welcome to webmaster@bailarsalsa